Making behavior change fun and exciting is the key to sustainability. With the coach approach, you can help to empower yourself to stick with the changes. Dr. Beth Frates, the new president-elect for the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, gives tips for powerful and lasting lifestyle changes that can have long-term positive effects on yourContinue reading “COACHING YOURSELF TO HEALTH — with guest, Beth Frates, MD, FACLM, DipABLM”
What’s New
Disarming diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions people around the world. In this article, we will look at how diabetes affects the health of your whole body and how diet and exercise can control, prevent, and even reverse diabetes. Everyone knows about diabetes, right? This chronic disease has become a global pandemic, found inContinue reading “Disarming diabetes”
Fiber: your new best friend
Getting enough fiber is a key part of healthy eating. In this article, we will look at how a high fiber diet can build a healthy digestive system and protect you against a range of chronic diseases. You have probably heard that fiber is an important part of a healthy diet. But did you knowContinue reading “Fiber: your new best friend”
CHRONIC INFLAMMATION — with guest, Cate Collings, MD, MS, FACC, Dip ABLM
Chronic inflammation has real detrimental effects on our health, linked to the development of heart disease, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and even cancer. So, what can be done about it?
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease — with guest, Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr, MD
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn is the author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, in which he argues for a low-fat, whole-foods, plant-based diet that avoids all animal products and oils, as well as reducing or avoiding soybeans, nuts and avocados. The diet has been advocated by former U.S. President Bill Clinton.
CHIP: The Complete Health Improvement Program — with guest, Kathy Reynaert-Randall
What is CHIP? What is it like, and what is it all about? And, how can I take part in this life-transforming program? Long-time CHIP facilitator and trainer, Kathy Reynaert-Randall shares the secrets of the program and how to use it to change the lives of others. Find out how you can get involved.
How to grow old with vitality, not get old with disease
Sadly, the Coronavirus is not the only pandemic the world is dealing with. Millions of people suffer day to day with chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity. As a result, our “health” care system is often focused on “sick” care, not wellness and prevention. In this article we explore someContinue reading “How to grow old with vitality, not get old with disease”
TO FORGIVE IS TO LIVE — with guest, Dr. Dick Tibbits
Did you know that your ability to move on from past hurts — to forgive — has been scientifically proven to have amazing benefits to not just our mental health but also our physical health? Dr. Dick Tibbits explains the physiology of how forgiveness can bring benefits to our minds and bodies. (Based on episodeContinue reading “TO FORGIVE IS TO LIVE — with guest, Dr. Dick Tibbits”
THE IMMUNE SYSTEM — with guest, Dr. Dexter Shurney)
During Covid times nothing is more important as a defense against this virus as a good immune system. But, what can we do to strengthen it? Are there effective “natural ways” to fight infectious illnesses in addition to medications and vaccines? Dr. Sal and his guest, Dr. Dexter Shurney, talk about the immune system andContinue reading “THE IMMUNE SYSTEM — with guest, Dr. Dexter Shurney)”
FROM SURVIVING TO THRIVING — with guest, Dr. Darren Morton
Would you rather just survive, or would you like to thrive? The answer might seem obvious but getting from just surviving to truly thriving can be a little more complicated. In this session, participants are led through what it truly means to thrive and given some practical tools to help them get the most outContinue reading “FROM SURVIVING TO THRIVING — with guest, Dr. Darren Morton”