Health plans constantly seek innovative ways to enhance their Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) measures. Pivio can help health plans improve their HEDIS measures, leading to better patient outcomes and more efficient healthcare delivery. What is Pivio? Pivio by Lifestyle Medicine Institute is a lifestyle medicine solution designed to empower individuals to takeContinue reading “Improving HEDIS Measures with Pivio: A Lifestyle Medicine Solution for Health Plans”
Kids at risk, growing healthy kids
The news is not good. “Heart disease begins in childhood,” reports the National Institutes of Health. A recent examination of 360 randomly selected youngsters, ages 7 to 12, revealed that 98 percent of the children already had two or more risk factors for heart disease. But we keep hearing that people are getting healthier! It’sContinue reading “Kids at risk, growing healthy kids”
Aging, older can be better
Everyone hates getting old. People want to stay young, or at least middle-aged. But time keeps marching. With the 65-and-older segment getting larger in North America what are the prospects for the golden-agers in today’s world? An increasing trend is to date people by their intellectual and social capabilities rather than by chronological age. Health,Continue reading “Aging, older can be better”
Chronic inflammation
Chronic inflammation has real detrimental effects on our health, linked to the development of heart disease, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and even cancer. So, what can be done about it? Inflammation is one of the body’s natural defense mechanisms. When your body gets attacked by a virus your immune system jumps in to save youContinue reading “Chronic inflammation”
Eat more, weigh less
Complicated, restrictive diets have failed us. But there is another way. In this article, we look at how eating more of the right foods can support your weight-loss and your health. Many of us struggle with managing our weight in today’s world. In fact, 2 in 3 Americans are now considered overweight or obese. TwentyContinue reading “Eat more, weigh less”
Disarming diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions people around the world. In this article, we will look at how diabetes affects the health of your whole body and how diet and exercise can control, prevent, and even reverse diabetes. Everyone knows about diabetes, right? This chronic disease has become a global pandemic, found inContinue reading “Disarming diabetes”
Fiber: your new best friend
Getting enough fiber is a key part of healthy eating. In this article, we will look at how a high fiber diet can build a healthy digestive system and protect you against a range of chronic diseases. You have probably heard that fiber is an important part of a healthy diet. But did you knowContinue reading “Fiber: your new best friend”
How to grow old with vitality, not get old with disease
Sadly, the Coronavirus is not the only pandemic the world is dealing with. Millions of people suffer day to day with chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity. As a result, our “health” care system is often focused on “sick” care, not wellness and prevention. In this article we explore someContinue reading “How to grow old with vitality, not get old with disease”
CHIP: A Practical Solution to Address Underlying Risks for COVID-19
Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected the usual and customary delivery of healthcare services in the United States. One of the most significant changes has been the new urgency and reliance on the adoption of technology, i.e., telemedicine/ telehealth, as a practical solution to maintain delivery of necessary healthcare to patients with chronic disease. Continue reading “CHIP: A Practical Solution to Address Underlying Risks for COVID-19”