Behavioral Science
Behavioral science is an interdisciplinary field that combines insights from the fields of sociology, psychology and economics to understand how people make decisions relevant to their health and well-being. It considers the biological, social and physiological factors that influence health and disease and interprets what drives people’s behavior.
Behavioral scientists in the realm of health care assess the challenges related to modifiable lifestyle behaviors such as physical inactivity, stress, poor nutrition, substance abuse and sleep. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis of an individual’s health status as it relates to lifestyle, behavioral scientists who have designed programs such as Pivio, ensure that behavior change is both comprehensive and sustainable.
This growing field has led to a much broader ability to improve health and prevent disease through the design of programs that link people’s emotions to their behavior and its consequences in ways that encourage behavior change, promote healthy lifestyle choices and foster emotional and physical well-being.
Pivio’s behavioral science tools integrate Lifestyle Medicine approaches into daily life
- Change long-term habits
- Overcome negative thinking
- Build new, healthy behavioral skills
- Sustain changes and avoid relapse
- Build health social support networks
- Learn how to thrive, not just survive